Monday, September 11, 2017


Resultado de imagen para sambucus nigra arbol

Sambucus Negra L.

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION - Very bushy shrub or small sapling that reaches 5 m in height, with the cup rounded and very dense. The trunk has corky, cracked and grayish-gray bark. The leaves are composed, of large size, formed by 5 or 7 leaves arranged in pairs, with an odd one in the termination, of form ovate with the edge regularly sawed. The flowers are white, arranged in large number of flattened end inflorescences, with all flowers at the same height. The fruit is a blackish berry that contains 3 to 5 ossicles. It flowers from April to June and the fruits ripen in August and September.

COLLECTION - The flower in the flowering season.

DRUGS - Flowers.

ACTIVE PRINCIPLES - Flavonoids, chlorogenic acid, hyperoside, essential oil, triterpenes, ursolic acid, mucilages and tannins.

PROPERTIES - Flowers have diaphoretic, sudorific, expectorant, diuretic and anti-inflammatory activity. Also depurative, venotonic, antirheumatic, antiallergic and galactogenic properties.

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