The coffee belongs to the family of plants Rubiaceae, its scientific name is Coffea arabica and originates from the tropical and subtropical areas of Africa, Arabia and Ethiopia. It is a plant very used since already thousands of years, according to studies the first cafeteria of the world dates from 1475 in Constantinople current city Istanbul.
The plant is a bush of evergreen and can reach reach up to 9 meters in height, generally do not measure as much as they are cut to facilitate the collection of grains.
Its leaves are opposite green with smooth margins. Its flowers are white, aromatic and grow in the armpits of the leaves.
This plant blooms only at 3 or 4 years and from this flower produce its fruits. The outside part of the fruit is fleshy and inside it we find the coffee beans that are its seed.
These seeds are the part of the plant that contains more caffeine. Its grains or seeds have a plant face and have a groove on the same face.
Each plant can generate between 400 and 500 grams of coffee annually although some individuals can yield up to 1 kg annually. In the update there is a great variety of said plant and is directly related to the place in which said plant has been planted.
Medicinal Properties of Coffee
Its consumption is highly over-crowded in the world, its taste and aroma are well-known at all levels. Its main medicinal characteristic is that it is a great stimulant of the nervous system. Coffee also has diuretic and antioxidant properties.
Pose vasodilator properties so it is beneficial for problems of gout, migraine and headaches. It also has antipyretic properties which is beneficial for fever, coughs, colds, etc.
Containing methionine is also used for urinary tract infections and is a plant very used to lose weight, lose weight and encourage digestion. Thanks to its high content of caffeine it is beneficial for memory in moderate amounts.
Home Remedies with Coffee
Drinking a coffee with a few drops of lemon eliminates headache or migraines. It also serves to prevent gout, stimulate breathing, quickens the mind, helps circulation and eliminates sleep.
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For hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, a decoction should be performed with 10 leaves of coffee, allowed to cool and wash with that preparation 2 or 3 times the eyes a day.
Its leaves applied in the form of poultice and macerated help to overcome abscesses and tumors
Natural scrub, grind a handful of coffee to reduce it to dust and pass it in circular form through your skin. Once applied it is recommended to wash the skin with neutral soap. This same preparation serves for dry hands and combat cellulite.
It can be used to stop bleeding small wounds, place the coffee directly on the wounds, let it stand for about 3 minutes and rinse with clean water.
Do not use coffee with other tranquilizers or stimulants such as mate, efefra, ginseng, etc. Containing alkaloids is advisable not to take continuously, can lead to addiction, insomnia, tachycardia and nervousness. It is also recommended not to use in people with problems of heart disease, hepatitis, gastritis, ulcers. Children and pregnant women are more sensitive and therefore not recommended.
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