Monday, September 25, 2017


Resultado de imagen para kalanchoe

The Kalanchoe pinnata, Bryophyllum pinnatum, is also known by other names like leaf of the air, plant of Goethe, Ojaransín, flower of arete, viviviva, hojerilla, tronador or weed of witch. There are also other varieties of this plant such as the Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri and the kalanchoe daigremontiana.

This medicinal plant belongs to the family Crassulaceae native to Madagascar and India, forming part of traditional medicine or Ayurveda, also grows in other places with warm and temperate climates. In areas of central and southern America is also used for its healing qualities.

It is a plant that can reach a meter high and has fleshy leaves. The flowers grow in inflorescences and may have different colors such as reddish, yellow or green.

For medicinal purposes Kalanchoe leaves are used, which can be prepared to apply externally or internally. For internal use it can be prepared in infusion, you can add the leaves to dishes like salads or you can also drink its juice. For external use the leaves can be used making plasters or poultices and also can be massaged the area with the juice extracted from the leaves. For example, for the headache the slightly crushed leaves would be placed on the forehead and neck, or for cramps and abdominal pains would be placed on this area to relieve them.
Medicinal properties of the Kalanchoe pinnata, Bryophyllum pinnatum

This medicinal plant contains phenols, acetates and flavonoids, among some of its components, which provide anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, anti-hemorrhagic, anticancer, antitussive, diuretic, antihistamine, antiseptic, antidiabetic, antibacterial, anti-allergic, antiulcerous, emollient, digestive and antiviral action.

Benefits and medicinal uses of the Kalanchoe pinnata

kalanchoeProtects the liver

Reduces fever

Relieves airway diseases

It is used to treat cancer cells

Kalanchoe is used for cough

For hemorrhages

Improves digestion

It is very useful for stomach ulcers

It is indicated for diabetics

Mitigate Kidney Colic

Relieves pain in general

Improves infections

Helps reduce hypertension

It is beneficial in cases of bronchitis

Combats herpes and other viruses

Used to heal wounds

Kalanchoe improves urethritis

Avoid liquid retention

Relieves rheumatism

It is sedative and muscle relaxant

Cut the diarrhea

It is used to relieve the embarrassment

Improves skin conditions

Accelerates recovery from colds and flu

Eliminate abscesses

Relieves headache or headache

Kalanchoe is used for measles

Reduces stomach pain

It stimulates the functioning of the kidneys

Your consumption is not recommended during pregnancy

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