The scientific name of this medicinal plant is Alternanthera pungens. The family of this medicinal plant is Amaranthaceae. The medicinal plant yerba del pollo is also called Yerba del Empacho. Chicken weed is a creeping, perennial herb with radical stems. The leaves of this medicinal plant are subcircular and ovate, measuring 2-5 cm long and 1 to 5 cm wide, obtuse apex and cuneate base; the petiole of the chicken herb is 2-5 mm long.
The Alternanthera pungens have sessile axillary capituliform spikes 1-2 cm long and 7-8 mm wide. This medicinal plant has 5 stamens, united in the base in short tube, with anthers of 1.5 mm in length. The parts of this medicinal plant used for medicinal purposes are its aerial parts. Among the medicinal properties of this medicinal plant are: purifying the blood, and for all kinds of impurities, decongestant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, against liver discomfort, kidney problems, diarrhea in children and problems of teething in children. But the most well-known property of this medicinal plant is the cure of the empacho of the children, for that reason called empire yerba. Chicken weed is composed of triterpene-alpha and beta-spinasterol steroids, saponins leucoanthocyanidins, alkaloids, essential oil consisting of: camphene, alpha-pinene, myrcene, p-cymene, limonene, alpha-cymene, bomeol, curcumene, camphor, mannyl acetate, terpinolene, linalool, alpha-terpineol, elemol acetate, eudesmol and azulene.
plant yerba de pollo Recipe of this medicinal plant:
Decoction: a spoonful of this medicinal plant is placed per liter of water, boiled for 3 to 5 minutes. In infants is prepared as an infusion of one teaspoon per cup of boiling water, being able to mix with the milk of the bottle.
Home remedies:
For the empacho in small children is prepared in 1 cup of boiling water with a teaspoon of chicken, let boil about 5 minutes and then mix a little of this infusion in the baby's milk bottle. This preparation will help relieve the embarrassment or indigestion.
To treat the diarrhea should be placed in half liter of water 200gramos of fresh leaves of the chicken herb. It is boiled for 5 minutes, then filtered and when it is warm drink. It is recommended to take on an empty stomach.
The infusion of chicken yerba serves for hepatic discomfort, intestinal inflammation and digestive disorders and indigestiones. It is prepared with 30 grams of leaves of chicken yerba for each liter of water. Adults should drink 3 cups a day. Instead children can take up to 3 tablespoons but spread out at different times of the day.
In order to deflate blows and bruises you can make compresses with this plant. It is made with 5 grams of juice of the chicken yerba for each cup of water. It is mixed and then this preparation is soaked in a cloth and applied in the area of the body where the bruise was suffered.
In bleeding wounds a plaster can be made by crushing the fresh leaves and applied on the affected area. It helps to cut the hemorrhage and heal the wound. It is important to consult the doctor before beginning to use herbal home remedies to avoid any negative effect on health. Chicken weed has interesting medicinal properties but should always be used under professional supervision to ensure its consumption.
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