Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Resultado de imagen para callos de los pies

To soften them use castor oil.

  Apply a drop of oil on the grade with your finger just rise in the morning, at noon and before bed.

Resultado de imagen para callos de los pies

Cover the bead with a band-aid before putting on your socks and shoes. You will see a slow but steady improvement over several weeks.

Resultado de imagen para callos de los pies

Home remedies for calluses on the feet
In addition to using pumice stone, sometimes calluses are too deep or painful to be putting pressure on them. Pay attention to these home remedies:

Recipe No. 1 for corns.

½ onion
What should I do?

Cut an onion in half and rub it slowly over the area affected by the callus. Repeat every night before going to bed. It is not necessary to rinse. Try to make the onion juices penetrate well into the skin. Put on socks and go to bed. The onion is healing and also anti-inflammatory.

Calluses on the feet

Recipe No. 2 for corns.

1 clove garlic.
1 tablespoon of olive oil (15 ml).
What should I do?

Crush the clove of garlic with the olive oil and cover the callus with the mecca. Cover with a gauze, bandage or cloth and let it act all night. Remove in the morning, without rinsing. Repeat every day until the callus disappears.

Recipe No. 3 for corns.

1 handful of stems and flowers of nettle.
1 tablespoon of water (15 ml).
What should I do?

Having this plant at home is an excellent idea. Take a handful and beat together with the water in the blender. You will have a kind of paste, which you have to apply directly on the callus. Cover with a gauze or cloth and let it act, at least, three hours before removing.

Recipe No. 4 for corns.

1 handful of flowers and leaves of calendula.
1 tablespoon of water (15 ml)
What should I do?

The procedure is the same as with the nettle. Apply every night before sleep.

Recipe No. 5 for corns.

1 fig.
What should I do?

This fruit has anti-inflammatory properties and, at the same time, brings freshness and relief. Cut a fig in half, remove the pulp and apply to the callus before going to bed. Cover with a bandage and put on socks so you do not dirty the sheets. Let it work all night and in the morning soak your feet in warm water. Then file with the pumice stone and finally apply a moisturizing cream.

Recipe No. 6 for corns.

2 tablespoons of baking soda (18 g).
1 tablespoon of warm water (15 ml).
What should I do?

Make a thick paste with the baking soda and water. Apply in the callus with circular movements, as to exfoliate. Let it act 20 or 30 minutes and remove with warm water. Subsequently, file or pass the pumice stone. Do not forget the final moistening.

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