Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Resultado de imagen para cebolla

The onion is a vegetable that has a white or reddish, spherical bulb, formed by concentric layers, with characteristic smell and taste, which breaks off an essential oil that irritates the mucous membranes.

Properties: Cures measles, sexual, stomach, antirheumatic, useful against respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis, cough, flu, hoarseness), is of great value to people who drink lots of intoxicating drinks, aperitif, opens the appetite, cures infectious diseases, against varicose veins, cramps and nerve pains, prevents dizziness, removes dandruff from the scalp, cleanses and cleanses the skin and ripens abscesses and tumors.

How to use: Against the measles, two medium onions are sliced ​​and boiled for five minutes in half a liter of water, sweetened with piloncillo, allowed to cool and the juice of 8 lemons is incorporated. From this, the patient will be given a tablespoon every two hours for two days, avoiding the chills.

To increase sexual capacity, eat a quarter of an onion, medium seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice, as if it were a salad.

As stomach and antirheumatic, boil in half a liter of water, half a block in pieces, leaves of mallow and borage; it is removed from the fire, sweetened with honey and added a tablespoon of onion juice. It is taken hot, at any time of the day, preferably before bedtime.

For diseases of the respiratory tract, it is taken in the same way previously described adding the juice of a lemon.
In case of dyspnoea (shortness of breath), a lot of onion is chopped, mixed with hot edible oil and applied as a poultice on the chest, throat and lung, changing the plasters continuously.

To cure cough in adults and whooping cough in children, chop or grate two onions, put on a plate, covered with 50 grams of sugar, mixed and allowed to settle. The next day a teaspoon of juice is taken every half hour, until improvement. At the same time, give a cup of tila tea or leaves of orange or borage or fennel to strengthen the lungs.

For people who drink a lot of alcohol, finely chop 3 onions, squeeze them on a canvas and mix the extracted juice in equal parts with lemon juice and a little water. Take this liquid on an empty stomach without sugar.

The onion soup opens the appetite and cures infectious diseases. For varicose veins, cramps and nerve pains, vigorously rub the affected region, every night with onion or juice of the same.

To lower the fever and as an antidote in case of poisoning, add a hot tea, onion juice and lemon juice and take several cups a day.

To avoid dizziness, place half of an onion under each armpit.

To remove dandruff from the scalp, rub on it, onion juice twice a week.

To clean and disintegrate the skin, apply by giving massage up, the onion juice mixed with lemon juice evenly.

To mature abscesses and tumors put on them raw onions in the form of poultice.

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