Tuesday, September 19, 2017


This medicinal plant originates in South Asia, but is now cultivated in many warm regions, the main producer of Ginger is Jamaica, as well as India and China. This medicinal plant was already used in the Roman empire.

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The common name of this medicinal plant is Ginger, although it can be found with the name: Kion. The scientific name of this medicinal plant is Zingiber officinale.

Ginger is a medicinal plant belonging to the family Zingiberaceae. Ginger is a perennial plant that saga to measure up to about 2 m in height. The stems of this plant are reddish with the appearance of leaves.

The leaves of this medicinal plant are lanceolate, long of up to 20 cm., And its flowers are of white color and grow in spikes. Ginger root has a strong taste, a spicy tannin and similar to that of lemon.

The root of these medicinal plants is composed of acids (aspartic, ascorbic, glutamine, oleic, etc.), gingerol, fiber, amino acids.

Buy Ginger in its different presentations
The medicinal plant in general has: essential oils (limonene, camphene, etc.), minerals (aluminum, boron, chromium, cobalt, manganese, phosphorus, silicon, zinc). For medicinal purposes the root of these medicinal plants is basically used.

The root of this medicinal plant can be consumed in infusions, in the natural (in the meals, salads, or as spice), and also tablets and pharmaceutical tablets are prepared.

As a medicinal plant, ginger is very useful in problems such as: diarrhea, intestinal conditions, reduces nausea or desire to vomit of different nature, whether in travel movements (boat, plane, train, etc.), chemo , pregnancy, etc.

In addition, this medicinal plant helps in problems of diarrhea, ulcers, improves circulation, reduces cholesterol, heart disease, controls the symptoms of flu, colds, sinusitis, arthritis, is very good anti-inflammatory, for toothache, to bad breath and also used as an aphrodisiac.

This medicinal plant is considered a good aphrodisiac because it stimulates sexual desire, and erection in men. It is important not to abuse the intake of this medicinal plant as it can cause stomach acid, gastritis, etc. They should not be consumed by people who have problems with blood clotting or children.

Medicinal recipes with Ginger

Infusion: place a teaspoon of dried root of this medicinal plant per cup of water. It should be taken warm, add lemon and honey, 2 cups per day. The infusion of this medicinal plant helps fight the flu, and all the symptoms that it drags, such as headache, cold, fever and also helps in the cold. This infusion also serves for sinus problems.

Natural intake: a way to eat (chew) this medicinal plant is scratching small amounts in salads, and in addition it gives a different taste and very tasty. To consume this raw medicinal plant relieves the head, to eat a small piece of Ginger and at the end a few minutes surprisingly relieves the pain.

Infusion (arthritis): infuse of a handful of roots of this medicinal plant into 1 liter of water. The liquid obtained from this medicinal plant should be applied well warm for about 20 minutes, on the joints, this procedure can be repeated every 6 hours.

Toothache: in this case you can chew a small piece of this medicinal plant on the affected area.

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