Tuesday, September 5, 2017


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Garlic is a liliaceous plant, composed of a bulbous root and a head containing 6 to 12 teeth or bulbs, by a membranous and very thin film. It has a strong color and flavor and is widely used as a culinary condiment.

Properties: Stimulates appetite and digestion, facilitates liver and kidney function, prevents putrid fermentation of the intestine, prevents constipation and increases urination. Combats anemia by promoting the formation of red blood cells, is a powerful disinfectant and microbicide, improves blood circulation, avoids bronchial affections; is useful for diabetic, rheumatic and hypertensive people, tones the lungs and cures asthma, bronchopneumonia and dyspnoea (difficulty breathing), coughing calms and decreases] ataxia and pertussis attacks; also serves to expel intestinal parasites, mainly pinworms, relieves neuralgias (pains), headaches, insomnia, hysteria and melancholy, serves in cases of scab and jiricua, gout arteriosclerosis and varicose veins.

It acts as a rubefacient (produces a reaction in the skin and mucous membranes in the form of a red spot due to its irritating action) that causes the poison to be inhibited in the pickets of mosquitoes, scorpions and bees.

It prevents fevers and tuberculosis and some people recommend it against malaria and rabies, regenerates the skin in cases of mild burns and softens and disappears calluses, quenching thirst and bitter mouth.

How to use: The various properties of garlic are much more effective when eaten raw, since the action of heat causes it to lose its usefulness. However, the garlic is indigestible and sometimes causes unpleasant bellows so that to avoid such discomforts, the first thing we do is crush three cloves of garlic and eat them without chewing them in half of the food in order not to irritate the mucous membrane and facilitate rapid transit to the intestine. Other ways is to eat them in salads, cooked in milk or combined with water, lemon juice, tincture, etc. To stimulate appetite and digestion, eat three raw and ground garlic cloves with a little water, preferably before or during food. Also, for this same purpose, you can cook a head of garlic in a liter of water, add lemon juice and sugar to taste and drink it as water of time, at any time of day.For anemia, prepare a salad with radishes , lettuce, tomatoes and raw and crushed garlic, seasoned with a little oil and salt. To improve blood circulation, eat 2 to 3 raw and crushed garlic cloves fasting.To lower blood pressure in hypertensive people, finely chop a clove of garlic and spend it with water fasting for several days. In cases of asthma, dyspnoea, cough, whooping cough, diphtheria and bronchial affections, boil in a pint of water, 8 large cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed, add a little of oregano, strain and sweeten with two tablespoons of honey; of this, take a teaspoon every hour until the discomfort disappears, avoiding to take any drink or cold food. For this same purpose, cook in half a liter of milk, half a head of garlic with two carrots, sweeten to the taste with hive honey and take a glass of this lukewarm cooking before bed. To expel the intestinal parasites, a head is stung garlic and heated in a quarter of a liter of milk, without boiling; is allowed to stand for 3 to 4 hours, strained and fasted for 9 to 10 days, at the end of which the parasites will be expelled. To cure the rash that appears primarily in the neck area, a tooth is taken from garlic, opened in half and rubbed vigorously over the affected region.

After three hours

approximately, apply a little lemon juice three times a day and repeat the operation until the disease disappears.

Against rheumatism, take two cloves of garlic, open them in half and apply them strongly on the aching part, until the juice comes out. Repeat the same execution several times a day and avoid contact with water or cooling after treatment.

Against the bites of mosquitoes, scorpions and bees, crush a garlic clove and put it in the form of plaster over the chopped area. For malaria, take three whole garlic cloves and a glass of warm milk every morning.

Against fevers boil half a kilo of garlic in a liter of water; then add half a kilo of sugar, let stand, strain and take a tablespoon before each food.

Against rabies, take several cups a day of the infusion made with 100 grams of garlic broken into pieces for half a liter of water, allowed to stand for a day and then, squeezed and sweetened to taste with sugar or honey. For mild burns, take 3 to 4 cloves of garlic, crush them, mix with oil and with this paste anoint the affected skin.

For tripe and tripe, make a mixture of crushed garlic and honey and apply directly on the first for several days, after which, will soften and disappear.

To quickly quench thirst, take a head of garlic and liquefy it with a liter of water and drink it as water of time.To remove that bitter mouth taste that certain people suffer in the morning, take a raw garlic clove, crush it, glue it in a glass of water with the juice of two lemons.

For athlete's foot, sprinkle garlic powder on your feet and wear clean socks every day. There is another way to take advantage of the healing properties of garlic, "garlic tincture" which is prepared by crushing the teeth of two heads of garlic and macerate them in 250 grams of pure alcohol until a tincture is formed.

We shall now describe the therapeutic effects of this alcoholic extract (condensed from the pamphlet of Dr. Helle, Berlin):

1) 20 drops of tincture in half a glass of water, attack uric acid and relieve pains in muscles and joints, known under the name of arthritis, sciatic drool and rheumatism.

2) 20 drops of tincture in half a glass of water, benefit the digestive system, curing constipation and intestinal constipation.

3) 20 drops of tincture in half a glass of water, decrease in a short time the arterial hypertension

4) 20 drops of tincture in half a glass of water, activate liver function.

5) 20 drops of tincture in half a glass of water, make the heart palpitations, suffocations and anguishes disappear.

6) 20 drops of tincture in half a glass of water, relieve continuous fatigue, neuralgias, headaches, insomnia, hysteria, melancholy and muscle stiffness.)

7) 20 drops of tincture in half a glass of water, cure the varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

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