Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Resultado de imagen para aguacate arbol

Avocado is a laurĂ¡ceo tree, of woody stem, green leaves and fruit highly nutritive, with great amount of vitamins.

Properties: Aphrodisiacs, combats dandruff and ringworm on the scalp, against menstrual cramps and hemorrhages, against cough, dysentery, gout, peritonitis (inflammation of the lining of the inner lining of the belly), intestinal worms and to kill lice and nits.

How to use: The avocado pulp is an aphrodisiac, magnificent, since it increases the tonicity of the sexual organs, increasing in this way the sexual appetite.

Against dandruff and ringworm, grind the bone or seed with castor oil and rub the scalp with this paste. Subsequently, the hair is covered with a plastic or flannel and the next day, it washes very well.

Against menstrual cramps, bleeding and coughing, take a 2-pound cooking mug for a quart of water.

Against dysentery, the seed or bone is pulverized, roasted and taken 1 gram of this powder on an empty stomach. For rheumatic and gouty pains, the affected part is rubbed with a dry towel, in order to activate the blood circulation; then rub a little of the fluid extract of avocado seed and cover with a flannel. The fluid extract is prepared with 4 seeds or bones of avocado, divided in small portions and macerated in alcohol for several days.

For peritonitis, boil for five minutes in two liters of water, an avocado bone cut into small pieces, two branches of chamomile and a tuna cheese, drained and applied in rectal lavage, as hot as tolerated.

Against the worms and intestinal parasites, fasting a cup of the infusion made with the bone or shell of avocado soaked in hot water.To kill lice and nits, boil in a quart of water, 5 bones of chopped avocados and two twigs of rue. The hair is washed, the aforementioned firing on the scalp is strongly rubbed; then the head is wrapped with a towel and the parasites will come off.

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