Monday, September 11, 2017

GALEGA (Galega officinalis) AND ITS PROPERTIES

Resultado de imagen para GALEGA

Galactagogo, antidiabetic, manufacture of ointments for plastic surgery.

It is used as an antidiabetic, in complementary treatments of diabetes (antidiabetic herbal teas), and to stimulate the activity of the mammary glands in the course of breastfeeding. In external application, the Galician enters the composition of healing salves used especially in plastic surgery.

Galactagogue and hypoglycemic infusion

To increase milk production in nursing mothers as well as hypoglycemic (antidiabetic), infusion can be infused with two tablespoons of crushed seeds in half a liter of water, or two teaspoons of dried leaves in a glass of water. The leaves should be collected just before blossoming, and then dried and chopped.

Caution: As regards its application as an antidiabetic agent, since there may be an undesired operation of the active substance of Galician (galegina), it is advisable to administer it with medical advice.

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