Monday, September 11, 2017

Eurasian (Sisymbrium officinale) and its properties

Resultado de imagen para ERISIMO

Aphonia, laryngitis, congestion of the vocal cords, chronic bronchitis.

It is used for small doses as a good anti-inflammatory medication for throat, for aphonia, laryngitis, congestion of the vocal cords and also for chronic bronchitis. The internal applications combined with the mouth rinses and gargarismos bring the best results.

Herbal tea for aphonia

An infusion of erissimo useful in aphonia, hoarseness and as a decongestant of the vocal cords can be prepared, using the floral highlights of the plant, based on 50 grams per liter of plant. The liquid can be applied both externally, in the form of
rinses or gargles, as directly by internal means taking up to a
maximum of 6 cups a day sweetened with a little honey.

Caution: Do not swallow liquid when using rinses and gargles.

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