Monday, September 11, 2017

Gentiana (Gentiana lutea) and its properties

Appetizer, stomach, tonic of the liver and gallbladder, general stimulant of the organism. Other uses and properties: Fermented root has applications in the food industry and processing of bitter liqueurs.

Due to their marked bitter taste they are used mainly to stimulate the gastric secretions, are therefore aperitive and stomach.
Resultado de imagen para genciana planta medicinal

It also has tonic action on the liver and gallbladder, as well as stimulating the whole body. You must take them at least half an hour before meals in the form of drops (tincture amara), or powder, up to 1 gr. by taking, even in decoction or infusion.

Caution: Headaches may occur at high doses.

Resultado de imagen para genciana planta medicinal

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