Wednesday, March 8, 2017


PASTOR / MASTURE BAG (Capsella bursapastoris (L.) MEDIK.), Stems-leaves-flowers-bark

Resultado de imagen para BOLSA DEL PASTOR

Traditional Uses
A) Internal use: menstrual disorders, hemorrhages (digestive, uterine, renal, intestinal), diarrhea.

The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of fresh vegetable for 1 liter of freshly boiled water: drink 1 cup 3 times in the day.
The decoction (boiling) is prepared by boiling 1 tablespoon of crust in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes: drink 1 cup 3 times in the day.

B) external use: washing of wounds and ulcers; nosebleed; muscular atrophy. The same infusion or decoction also serves to wash wounds and to do massages and rubs. For massage in muscle atrophy, let macerate fresh plant in alcohol or brandy for 10-15 days, put in the sun for a while each day, then filter and use in local rubs 2 or 3 times in the day.

Resultado de imagen para BOLSA DEL PASTOR

Effects: hemostatic (1), astringent (2), antidiarrheal (3), emenagogue (4). Precautions: Do not do long treatments and do not use during pregnancy.
Other background: its use is endorsed only by tradition.
1 Reduces bleeding or bleeding.
2 It contracts and hardens the organic tissues.
3 Calm the diarrhea.
4 Stimulates or promotes menstrual flow.

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