Friday, March 17, 2017


Digital (Digitalis purpurea)Excellent cardiac tonic, effective cicatrizant, diuretic, purgative.

The digital one contains a series of active substances very important for heart affections. Among the substances it contains are glycosides, with a very effective cardiotonic action, as well as heart rate normalizer; And other non-glucoside substances, which complement the action of glycosides on the heart. It is also diuretic and purgative.

The leaves of the digital are also an excellent cica- trizante; Have application on ulcers (also the varicose ones) and sores of the skin.

Caution: The internal administration of the digital must always be done with medical advice, since the dosage is very critical. The medicinal doses are so close to the toxic ones that it is very Rasa his preparation in homemade form; 10 grams of a leaf can cause death to an adult. In addition, some people may have intolerance to some of its active ingredients, with the aggravation that these accumulate in the body and are difficult to eliminate by it.For its application as skin healing, we can make an infusion with 1 or 2 sheets of digital per liter of water. Soak some compresses in the liquid and apply to the affected área,

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