Thursday, March 23, 2017


Resultado de imagen para ROMERO


Traditional Uses:

A) internal use: difficult digestions of chronic type (dyspepsias), abdominal cramps, liver diseases; Menstrual disorders

The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of vegetable for 1 liter of freshly brewed water drink 1 cup 3 times a day.

B) external use: affections of the skin; Rheumatic and muscular pains.

For the local application the same infusion is used in washing and compresses. For bathrooms use 3 to 4 tablespoons in 20 liters of hot water.

Effects: antispasmodic1, antiseptic2, emenagogo3, rubefaciente4, carminative5, anti-inflammatory, digestive, healing.

Resultado de imagen para ROMERO

Precautions: administration during pregnancy is not desirable; Patients with colitis and prostatic conditions should avoid their consumption.

Other antecedents: its use in digestive and rheumatic problems has some scientific evidence.

1 Soothe stomach cramps.
2 Destroy germs on the skin or mucous membranes.
3 Stimulates or promotes menstrual flow.
4 Promotes superficial blood circulation.
5 It prevents and favors the expulsion of gases.


Resultado de imagen para ginseng

Ginseng (Panax Ginseng)

Tonic, aphrodisiac, stimulant, antidepressant, antistress, anxiolytic

Normalizes blood pressure. It is used to fight anemia. It has polysaccharides that give it a stimulating action of the body's defenses.

Its use as an aphrodisiac is because it is a central nervous system stimulant and a sexual stimulant.

Resultado de imagen para ginseng

To take full advantage of its properties, a treatment of about fifteen days is needed, and prolonged use not exceeding two months is advisable, since it can provoke hypertension, insomnia, rashes.

It has tonic and restorative properties. Ginseng increases the secretion of insulin and also regulates the formation of hepatic glycogen.

Educate chylomicron and VLDL levels in blood and therefore cholesterol and triglycerides. Ginseng is a febrifuge and regulator of blood pressure, decreasing at the same time the percentage of cholesterol. Stimulating the central nervous system (suppresses the feeling of fatigue). It can be used in the treatment of lung diseases.

The root of the panax is used in the states of lack of vitality, physical and intellectual fatigue and also in the riots linked to old age and stress.

Other popular uses of ginseng still require clinical studies that support them: diabetes, liver disease, fever, rheumatism, vomiting during pregnancy, hypothermia, nervous disorders, anorexia, depression, neuralgias, etc.
Tonic To use as a tonic you can boil its root for one or two hours. As infusion half a teaspoon mixed in a cup of water will be taken, boiling for one minute, twice a day

Resultado de imagen para ginseng

In powder form, one gram of pulverized root mixed with water 2 or 3 times a day


Resultado de imagen para cola de caballo

Resultado de imagen para cola de caballo

Horsetail / Equisetum 
(Equisetum arvense)

Diuretic, remineralizing, astringent, antidiarrheal, hemostatic by local vasoconstriction, depurative and

Diuretic and remineralizing, contributes to the maintenance of collagen (fundamental substance of connective tissue) and increases both elasticity of tissues and nonspecific defenses of the organism.

Indicated in anemia, asthenia, fracture consolidation, convalescence, dysmenorrhea, nasal hemorrhage, osteoporosis, rheumatism, situations requiring increased urine output (genitourinary conditions such as cystitis, ureteritis, urethritis, urolithiasis, gout, hyperazotemia, hypertension , Hyperuricemia, overweight accompanied by fluid retention) and prevention of atherosclerosis, as well as in degenerative processes of the skin, connective tissue and bones, and fragile or brittle hair and nails.

External use in blepharitis, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, erythema, pharyngitis, wounds, oral, corneal and dermal ulcerations, and vulvovaginitis.

Caution: Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcer.

How to use: Juice or fresh plant, infusion, decoction, fluid extract and dry extract.

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Alone or with depurative, diuretic, antirheumatic, weight control, antihypertensive and renal plants. External use in the form of compresses in eczema, wounds, varicose ulcers and wrinkles and stretch marks of the skin to improve its flaccidity and elasticity. Also sitz baths in case of inflammation of the pelvis


A baking is done and the vapors are drawn through the nose. This paralyzes the nosebleed.


50 grams of fresh horsetail plant is added to one liter of boiling water, leaving it at this temperature for 30 minutes; The resulting liquid - after being allowed to cool to 35 ° C - is applied in the form of compresses or hemorrhoid washes.

Circulatory problems

Heat five tablespoons of the plant in a liter of water until it boils. Dilute this cooking in a tub with water and wash in it. In this way it relieves circulatory disorders.


Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)

Important plant used in the affections of the nervous system. It is sedative, soporific, soothing, very effective in states of hyperexcitability, migraines and insomnia, cardiac or digestive disorders of nervous origin; Is antiparasitic.

Valerian is one of the most important medicinal plants that are known for the treatment of nervous conditions.

Valerian remedies are soothing, sedative, anticonvulsive and antispasmodic. The plant is well suited to conditions of irritability and hyperexcitability, insomnia, neurosis, nervous asthma, spasms of the stomach, cramps and cardiac or digestive disorders of nervous origin. It is useful in case of intellectual exhaustion, fatigue, nervous depression and chronic insomnia. It is overwhelming.

In addition to its main therapeutic property against nerve diseases, a cold infusion or maceration of valerian also possesses antiparasitic properties, and is effective against vomiting and tympanitis.

Valerian is usually prepared in infusion, maceration, and dye or fluid extract. The alcoholic extract (tincture valerianae) is usually a common form of valerian application as a sedative nerve.

Resultado de imagen para valeriana planta medicinal

Maceration of valerian against
 insomnia and migraines

To a cup of cold water add 2 teaspoons of crumbled root. Let it soak half a day. Take 1 or 2 cups a day against migraines; Warm up and drink before bed if they want effects against insomnia.

Resultado de imagen para valeriana planta medicinal

Tincture of sedative and antispasmodic

To 100 milliliters of alcohol of 70º add 25 grams of crumbled root. Leave to macerate for 10 days. Take ten drops 3 times a day, if you want to sweeten with honey or sugar.

Soothing bath of valerian

To a liter of boiling water add a handful of crumbled root. Allow to stand for half an hour. Filter and pour into the bath water.

Friday, March 17, 2017


Resultado de imagen para salvia planta

Resultado de imagen para salvia planta medicinal

Salvia (Salvia verbenaca)

Antiperspirant, general tonic, stomach, gastric and intestinal disorders, antidiarrheal, cordial, diuretic, astringent, antiseptic, antiinflammatory of upper respiratory tract, antispasmodic, regulator of menstrual functions, mouth and throat affections, Topical uses (sores, ulcers, dermatoses). Other uses and properties: culinary applications and pastry.Sage is a very effective plant against excessive perspiration, especially the nocturnal one produced by high fevers. It is used against the gastric and intestinal affections, and specifically its inflammatory processes; Is stomach and antidiarrheal. It is also useful in upper respiratory, cough and tuberculosis inflammation. Cordial, tonic, stimulating, diuretic, antispasmodic and regulating properties of menstrual functions are recognized.

Externally it is effective in inflammations of the buccal cavity and throat, gargles for angina, toothache and parodontitis. It is used as a disinfectant of the skin in poultices and baths, especially those conditions of mycosis origin, also in dermatoses, ulcers and sores.Infusion of anti-secretory salviaTo a liter of hot water add two handles of dried leaves of sage, let stand 10 minutes. 

Filter and take at intervals of two hours in case of excessive sweating.Garland of sage for throat affections For laryngitis and throat irritations, add half a liter of water two teaspoons of dried leaves of sage, let it simmer until it begins to boil. Leave to cover, resting for about 15 minutes. With warm liquid gargle several times a day.Infusion of salvia for internal uses, in gastric, intestinal and respiratory affections 

For the internal applications already described, especially inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, cough and tuberculosis, an infusion can be prepared at the rate of one tablespoon of crushed leaves of sage for each cup of water; Is allowed to stand for 10 minutes before gluing.Diabetes (lowering glucose levels)In a cup of boiling water add 2 tablespoons of dried sage leaf, let stand a few minutes. Take 3 cups a day.

Resultado de imagen para salvia planta


Resultado de imagen para CARDO MARIANO

Silybum Marianum L.

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION - Robust plant. It measures between 60 and 150 cm in height. It has a thick and branched root, which gives rise to a rosette of oval leaves, surrounded by irregular teeth. During the second year a straight stem develops, which at the top has few leaves and branches. The leaves of the stem are alternate and the upper ones are surrounded by yellow spines. The stems are crowned by purple or white flowers. The fruits are brown and speckled achenes. It blooms from July to September.

COLLECTION - The fruits as they mature.

DRUGS - Dried fruits.
ACTIVE PRINCIPLES - Silymarin, flavonoids, linoleic, oleic and palmitic acid and tocopherol.

PROPERTIES - Hepato-detoxifying action, hepatic cell regenerator, choleretic and collagenous, cardiac tonic and hypotensive. Digestive, venotonic, diuretic and antipyretic.

USES and APPLICATIONS - Hepatobiliary insufficiency, acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, inappetence, dyspepsia, haemorrhages, influenza, colds and cystitis.

Resultado de imagen para CARDO MARIANO


Digital (Digitalis purpurea)Excellent cardiac tonic, effective cicatrizant, diuretic, purgative.

The digital one contains a series of active substances very important for heart affections. Among the substances it contains are glycosides, with a very effective cardiotonic action, as well as heart rate normalizer; And other non-glucoside substances, which complement the action of glycosides on the heart. It is also diuretic and purgative.

The leaves of the digital are also an excellent cica- trizante; Have application on ulcers (also the varicose ones) and sores of the skin.

Caution: The internal administration of the digital must always be done with medical advice, since the dosage is very critical. The medicinal doses are so close to the toxic ones that it is very Rasa his preparation in homemade form; 10 grams of a leaf can cause death to an adult. In addition, some people may have intolerance to some of its active ingredients, with the aggravation that these accumulate in the body and are difficult to eliminate by it.For its application as skin healing, we can make an infusion with 1 or 2 sheets of digital per liter of water. Soak some compresses in the liquid and apply to the affected área,