Thursday, October 12, 2017


Resultado de imagen para INFUSION ,

INFUSION - It is the most popular and classic form of extraction of active principles. The general doses are approximately of 1g of plant per 10 of water. We place the plant or plant mix in a container without water. We put water to heat, bringing it to the point of boiling. When it begins to boil, in order that no particles are concentrated, we remove it from the fire and pour it on the plant (s). Immediately cover it and allow it to stand between 10 and 15 minutes, in order to dissolve all the active ingredients. Substances extracted by this process are water-soluble. Indicated for the organs of the plant, such as flowers, leaves and green stems.

DECOCATION - It is the extraction in water of certain parts. We use 1 part of plant per 10 of water, except in the case of plants with high mucilage content, which will be 1 part of plant per 20 of water. Place the plant (s) in a bowl with cold water and heat over medium heat, letting it cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Then cover and let stand between 10 and 15 minutes. In decoction stems, barks, roots and fruits.

COLD MACERATION - For flowers and leaves we leave in a container the amount of plant needed covered with water
for 12 hours. In the case of stems and roots for 24 hours. In both cases we will try to leave the container well covered and protected from sunlight. We take it at room temperature.

WARM MACERATION - Same as in the case of cold maceration, but keeping the hot water without it boiling. With some roots, barks and stems it is advisable to leave them before in cold maceration.

CATAPLASMA - It consists of the topical treatment of vegetable preparations in the form of paste, thick and wet, wrapped
in a cloth, warm or warm, applied on the affected part of the body, with emollient, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect.

The cataplasms soften the skin by dilating the pores, to absorb the incorporated therapeutic principles. The infusion or decoction is prepared according to the precise indications of the plants that we are going to use. Once prepared and being very hot, without gluing, we soaked a cloth of natural fabric, cotton or linen, and apply it as hot as possible on the area to be treated.
In the case of warm application it is allowed to cool once the tissue is soaked, as is the case of inflammations where there is a lot of heat or when there is excessive fever. For application on wounds, sores, ulcers, abscesses ..., we paste the preparation and place the remains of the plants inside the cloth, without being in contact with the wound.

EXTRACT - It is a concentration obtained by maceration in certain liquids, such as water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, etc. Of liquid, dense, fluid or dry consistency. The liquid extracts are slightly thick and fluids have a similar consistency to fresh honey.

DYING - It is the method of extraction of the active principles through the maceration in alcohol or apple vinegar for several days (between 15 and 30 approximately). Place the herbs in a dark glass bowl and cover with alcohol. They are stored in a warm place and away from sunlight. It is removed with small shakes every day.

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