Thursday, October 12, 2017


Resultado de imagen para bajar de peso

It is appropriate to eliminate from your diet all those foods that only poison your liver and make your metabolism difficult.

But what foods should you eliminate from your diet? Sugars, trans fats, soft drinks, processed foods as well as unhealthy carbohydrates.

This type of food only overload the liver, preventing or making it difficult for fats to be properly metabolized.

Take note of the best home remedies for weight loss without rebound.

Remedy 1. Chia seeds: These popular seeds bring numerous benefits thanks to their high content of vitamin B, proteins, antioxidants and calcium.

Remedy 2. Lemon Juice: Daily juice of a freshly squeezed lemon with a glass of warm water will allow you to get rid of the fats in your body and help improve the functioning of your liver.

Remedy 3. Fish oil: The power of fish oil is found mainly in Omega 3 acids, a very important nutrient in fish. By consuming fresh fish like salmon or sardines you will also usually bring the Omega 3 acids that your body needs.

Remedy 4. Red cranberry juice: Red cranberries have been shown to have potent action against small deposits of fat that progressively accumulate in blood vessels.

Remedy 5. Cayenne Pepper: With a rich and spicy flavor, cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, an element that helps you lose weight quickly and successfully. It fights fat and reduces adipose tissue, preventing the onset of numerous pathologies.

Remedy 6. Cinnamon: By regulating blood sugar levels and increasing metabolism capacity, cinnamon is presented as one of the best home remedies for weight loss without rebound.

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