Thursday, October 12, 2017


Resultado de imagen para HIPERICO

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION - Perennial plant, 25 to 90 cm high, characterized by a branched, reddish, rigid stem and traversed by two prominent lines. The leaves are always directed towards the light and are opposite, small, translucent and visible against light. The flowers are showy, yellow, with black spots on the edges. The flowers are stained red when they are crushed between the fingers. The fruit is an ovoid capsule with three leaflets.

COLLECTION - The flowering tops when in full bloom.

DRUG - Flowery sum.

ACTIVE PRINCIPLES - Hypericin, flavonoids, flavonol glucosides, phenyl carboxylic acids, essential oil, tannins, carotenoids, phytosterols, pectin.

PROPERTIES - Antidepressant, mild sedative, mild tranquilizer, antiseptic, astringent, healing and antiviral.

USES and APPLICATIONS - Oral route in the treatment of depressions, anxiety, night terrors and conditions of the digestive system. External route to treat wounds, sores, burns, eczema, bruises and acne.

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