Taraxacum officinale, bitter chicory, also known as dandelion, hadubellmout and meacamas, 1 is a species of the asteraceae family.
Considered generally as a "weed", its leaves are consumed in salad and have been attributed numerous medicinal properties.
Dandelion is probably one of the most popular and well-known medicinal plants, not only because of its incredible benefits and properties, but because in the past - and today - it is part of many children's games when they take it in their hands and blow Their white hairs, which disappear little by little carried by the wind. Among other things, the dandelion stimulates the secretion of digestive organs, so it is precisely used in cases of digestive disorders in general (constipation or lazy liver), and gastric hypoacidity.
1. Maintains proper functioning of the liver. Dandelion root is known to prevent liver bleeding, but also improves blood purity and bile flow, which is regulated by the liver and plays an important role within it.
2. Combat acne and eczema. If you have a case of acne, drinking dandelion juice as a stimulant, detoxifier, diuretic and antioxidant helps to combat the toxins that often result from hormones out of balance. The toxins are finally sweated through the skin and, thanks to the stimulating ability of the juice, the pores are opened to allow the process. The sap of dandelion can also be used externally.
In addition, since the sap is highly alkaline and has germ-fighting properties, it is recommended as an ideal way to manage a variety of dermatological conditions including general itching, eczema and ringworm.
3. Improves eye health. The American Optometric Association recommends that people consume at least 12 combined milligrams of lutein and zeaxanthin every day to help reduce the risks of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Dandelions contain both of these nutrients. In fact, only one cup exceeds the AOA's recommendation for maintaining eye health as it contains 15 milligrams of lutein and zeaxanthin.
4. It helps to lose weight. Consuming dandelions is ideal for those who who drop a few pounds. Not only are they low in calories, they also act as diuretics, therefore causing the weight of water to be discharged through the urine in a healthy way.
Dandelion roots are mainly used to aid in the proper functioning of the liver and gallbladder.
Dandelion is used as an appetite stimulant and to aid in proper digestion.
Due to the high content of iron in the root of the dandelion, this is very useful to treat anemia since it helps the production of red blood cells in the body.
Dandelion is used in Europe to treat diabetes since it has been observed to lower blood sugar levels.
Thanks to the diuretic properties of the root, another benefit of the dandelion is to detoxify several vital organs such as the liver, kidneys and gallbladder.
The dandelion root is also useful as a mildly aggressive laxative and can regulate the functioning of the digestive system if consumed regularly; For this same appliance also has benefits in gas control and constipation.
Its excellent blend of vitamins and minerals make dandelion a food rich in antioxidants and can even serve to control mood. Thanks to its high amount of B-complex vitamins, the root of the dandelion can help control depression.
As did the ancient Native Americans, dandelion can be used to treat skin diseases such as acne, hives, eczema and psoriasis.
Dandelion, the great cleanser to cleanse the body
· Dandelion helps us eliminate fluids and prevent them from being retained. Its roots, roasted and ground, can function as a substitute for coffee, without caffeine or stimulants.
Dandelion is a medicinal plant that acts as a great depurative to cleanse the body of the toxins that we accumulate by a bad diet, bad habits, sedentarism, etc.
We explain all the properties of this plant that we should all take at least one season and especially people suffering from hypertension, gout, fluid retention, skin problems, among others. In addition, it is an edible plant and with which we can make a coffee substitute.
Dandelion, also known as bitter chicory, and in Latin as Taraxacum officinale, grows naturally on the edge of many fields and gardens, and is characterized by its toothed leaves and its yellow flower. Many people are unaware that the wild plant they have so far can help them to improve their health, and for that we explain their uses and properties.
Health benefits
Among other components, dandelion contains vitamins A, B and C, folic acid, potassium, silicon, iron and tannins. Thanks to its composition, we highlight its main properties:
It is cleansing: It cleanses our body of toxins. For this reason we recommend it especially for those health problems that need to eliminate toxins, as in cholesterol, uric acid or gout, diabetes, stones in the kidney, etc.
It is diuretic, so it helps us to remove fluids and prevent their retention. It is especially suitable for cases of obesity due to excess fluid (when it is seen that the person is swollen).
Hepatoprotective: It protects the liver and the gallbladder naturally stimulating its function, reason why can be very beneficial in cases of hepatitis.
It improves the functioning of the kidneys, facilitating urine and helping to prevent cystitis and urethritis.
It improves the digestive process and opens the appetite, ideal for cases of inappetence or anorexia.
Acts as a mild laxative
It improves the state of the skin in problems like grains, acne, hives, psoriasis, etc. And also enhancing the healing of wounds
It has soothing properties of circulatory problems of the limbs thanks to its content in tannins, so it is useful in cases of varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
It keeps our hair and skin healthy thanks to its silicon content.
Its content in iron makes it an excellent remedy to prevent and treat anemia
The most common way to take dandelion is by infusion, by boiling the leaves and the root of the plant. We can take up to three cups a day. To make a good depurative cure we recommend to keep this dose between one and three months, depending on the case.
Extract: the extract, which we can buy directly in herbalists and some dietetics, has the same properties as the infusion but with more concentration, so it is very useful if we want to carry out a more thorough debugging or to treat some of the problems of Health we discussed earlier. You can also put the extract in a bottle of water to drink it during the day and thus enhance its diuretic properties.
Many people are unaware that this wild plant is edible. If we have the opportunity to take their tender leaves, we can add them to salads, tortillas or even make a pesto sauce with them, mixing them with other plants like basil or arugula. It is important to note that it has a slightly bitter taste, which is precisely what confirms its properties for the liver, so we will not add in large quantity.
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