Thursday, October 12, 2017


Resultado de imagen para HIPERICO

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION - Perennial plant, 25 to 90 cm high, characterized by a branched, reddish, rigid stem and traversed by two prominent lines. The leaves are always directed towards the light and are opposite, small, translucent and visible against light. The flowers are showy, yellow, with black spots on the edges. The flowers are stained red when they are crushed between the fingers. The fruit is an ovoid capsule with three leaflets.

COLLECTION - The flowering tops when in full bloom.

DRUG - Flowery sum.

ACTIVE PRINCIPLES - Hypericin, flavonoids, flavonol glucosides, phenyl carboxylic acids, essential oil, tannins, carotenoids, phytosterols, pectin.

PROPERTIES - Antidepressant, mild sedative, mild tranquilizer, antiseptic, astringent, healing and antiviral.

USES and APPLICATIONS - Oral route in the treatment of depressions, anxiety, night terrors and conditions of the digestive system. External route to treat wounds, sores, burns, eczema, bruises and acne.


Resultado de imagen para INFUSION ,

INFUSION - It is the most popular and classic form of extraction of active principles. The general doses are approximately of 1g of plant per 10 of water. We place the plant or plant mix in a container without water. We put water to heat, bringing it to the point of boiling. When it begins to boil, in order that no particles are concentrated, we remove it from the fire and pour it on the plant (s). Immediately cover it and allow it to stand between 10 and 15 minutes, in order to dissolve all the active ingredients. Substances extracted by this process are water-soluble. Indicated for the organs of the plant, such as flowers, leaves and green stems.

DECOCATION - It is the extraction in water of certain parts. We use 1 part of plant per 10 of water, except in the case of plants with high mucilage content, which will be 1 part of plant per 20 of water. Place the plant (s) in a bowl with cold water and heat over medium heat, letting it cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Then cover and let stand between 10 and 15 minutes. In decoction stems, barks, roots and fruits.

COLD MACERATION - For flowers and leaves we leave in a container the amount of plant needed covered with water
for 12 hours. In the case of stems and roots for 24 hours. In both cases we will try to leave the container well covered and protected from sunlight. We take it at room temperature.

WARM MACERATION - Same as in the case of cold maceration, but keeping the hot water without it boiling. With some roots, barks and stems it is advisable to leave them before in cold maceration.

CATAPLASMA - It consists of the topical treatment of vegetable preparations in the form of paste, thick and wet, wrapped
in a cloth, warm or warm, applied on the affected part of the body, with emollient, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect.

The cataplasms soften the skin by dilating the pores, to absorb the incorporated therapeutic principles. The infusion or decoction is prepared according to the precise indications of the plants that we are going to use. Once prepared and being very hot, without gluing, we soaked a cloth of natural fabric, cotton or linen, and apply it as hot as possible on the area to be treated.
In the case of warm application it is allowed to cool once the tissue is soaked, as is the case of inflammations where there is a lot of heat or when there is excessive fever. For application on wounds, sores, ulcers, abscesses ..., we paste the preparation and place the remains of the plants inside the cloth, without being in contact with the wound.

EXTRACT - It is a concentration obtained by maceration in certain liquids, such as water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, etc. Of liquid, dense, fluid or dry consistency. The liquid extracts are slightly thick and fluids have a similar consistency to fresh honey.

DYING - It is the method of extraction of the active principles through the maceration in alcohol or apple vinegar for several days (between 15 and 30 approximately). Place the herbs in a dark glass bowl and cover with alcohol. They are stored in a warm place and away from sunlight. It is removed with small shakes every day.


Resultado de imagen para bajar de peso

It is appropriate to eliminate from your diet all those foods that only poison your liver and make your metabolism difficult.

But what foods should you eliminate from your diet? Sugars, trans fats, soft drinks, processed foods as well as unhealthy carbohydrates.

This type of food only overload the liver, preventing or making it difficult for fats to be properly metabolized.

Take note of the best home remedies for weight loss without rebound.

Remedy 1. Chia seeds: These popular seeds bring numerous benefits thanks to their high content of vitamin B, proteins, antioxidants and calcium.

Remedy 2. Lemon Juice: Daily juice of a freshly squeezed lemon with a glass of warm water will allow you to get rid of the fats in your body and help improve the functioning of your liver.

Remedy 3. Fish oil: The power of fish oil is found mainly in Omega 3 acids, a very important nutrient in fish. By consuming fresh fish like salmon or sardines you will also usually bring the Omega 3 acids that your body needs.

Remedy 4. Red cranberry juice: Red cranberries have been shown to have potent action against small deposits of fat that progressively accumulate in blood vessels.

Remedy 5. Cayenne Pepper: With a rich and spicy flavor, cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, an element that helps you lose weight quickly and successfully. It fights fat and reduces adipose tissue, preventing the onset of numerous pathologies.

Remedy 6. Cinnamon: By regulating blood sugar levels and increasing metabolism capacity, cinnamon is presented as one of the best home remedies for weight loss without rebound.


Resultado de imagen para ACIDO URICO

The excess of uric acid in our blood causes it to be concentrated in some places, such as joints, forming urate crystals that produce inflammation and cause pain. It is common for small joints such as the big toe or hands, but it can also occur in joints of other bones such as the knees. This problem is usually related to food and high levels of uric acid can lead to diseases such as gout. That's why from COMO we want to give you advice on how to reduce uric acid with natural remedies.
You may also be interested in: How to reduce uric acid naturally

Avoid foods rich in purines
First, you must eliminate from your diet certain foods with purines, since this chemical is what causes the formation of urate crystals in your joints and therefore make the uric acid levels to rise and feel pain .
Formerly, uric acid was known as "the disease of the Kings", because most of the foods that caused it to increase were expensive products that were not available to the shallow people. Some examples are red meats, seafood, viscera, alcoholic beverages, fizzy drinks ... All these foods are prohibited for those suffering from uric acid, however, you can expand this information in our articles:

What Foods Increase Uric Acid
Foods rich in purines
On the contrary, there are also certain foods that can contribute to the reduction of uric acid in the blood, so we suggest you consult:
What foods are good for lowering uric acid

The importance of hydration
In the same way, it will be fundamental that you drink a lot of water to reduce uric acid, since it is through the urine that we eliminate this toxin from our organism and we must be able to reduce the retention of liquids. For this, we advise that you drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day.
It will also be very useful to know how to prevent fluid retention and thus help your body to get rid of substances you do not need. For example, in addition to consuming enough liquid but not to exceed, you should reduce your salt intake in food.
Also, we recommend combining the water with some diuretic infusions, that is to say that part of the amount of recommended daily water is taken in the form of infusion or tea. Thanks to the diuretic infusions you will eliminate toxins and excess fluid retained in the tissues, causing uric acid and urate crystals to be reduced. Some of the most recommended herbal remedies to achieve this goal are the following:

Horse tail
Green nettle
Queen of the meadows or ulmaria

One of the natural remedies you can use to reduce uric acid levels is the consumption of artichokes, as this vegetable has diuretic properties that will help the uric acid to be eliminated through the urine.

A good way to take advantage of its benefits is to boil these vegetables and, in addition to eating them, drink the broth resulting from cooking. Also, there are many more properties of the artichoke that will help you stay healthy and feel better.

Also, the onion also helps to purify the body and prevent the formation of urate crystals. As in the previous case, it is also recommended to boil onion in water with the juice of a lemon and take a couple of cups a day.

In the same way, there are other vegetables that help reduce uric acid in the blood and, therefore, will help you to improve this condition. You can find them in our article about good vegetables to lower uric acid.