Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Resultado de imagen para AFFECTIONS ON SKIN AND JOINTS
· Bay berries oil for external use, in rheumatism, contusions, ulcers and skin diseases.

· Hypericum oil and infusion for external use in skin conditions.

· Mallow oil against bites and burns.

· Roman chamomile oil for massage and friction.

· Horehound bath for dermal conditions.

· Burdock poultice for skin conditions and rheumatic pains.

· Rusticano radish poultice for rheumatic pains.

· An antirheumatic verbena poultice.

· Spring root compresses for rheumatic injuries and pains.

· Decoction of rosemary for external use, joint rheumatism, contusions, ulcers and wounds.

Burdock poultice for skin conditions and rheumatic pain

· Colas poultice for topical use.

· Cataplasm of aliaria for internal and external use, as antiseptic, stimulating, cicatrizante ...

· Poultry fat for external use in skin conditions, hemorrhoids, bruises ...

· Flax poultice for topical use in skin rashes.

· Compresses of plantain major for affections of the skin.

· Fenugreek compresses for boils and inflammations.

· Mauve compresses for topical uses in ulcers, burns and rashes.

· Comforums and poultices of meliloto emollients and anti-inflammatory.

· Decoction of bistort for external use in wounds.

· Decoction of borage for external use in skin inflammations, boils.

· Decoction of angelic carlina for topical use in eczema, mycosis ...

· Decoction of marshmallow for external use in washes, anti-inflammatory compresses.

· Yarrow decoction for external use in wounds.

· Decoction of rosemary for external use, joint rheumatism, contusions, ulcers and wounds.

· Decoction of Solomon's seal for external use, in rheumatism, arthritis, bruising, inflammation and contusions.
· San Roberto grass plasters for herpes and wound cleaning.

· Infusion of emollient poppy.

· Infusion of camedrio for external uses.

· Infusion of cantueso for external use, as disinfection of sores and wounds.

· Infusion of digital cicatrizante.

· Infusion of lavender for topical use in wounds.

· Infusion of hyssop for internal and external use as cicatrizant.

Infusion of marshmallow for rheumatic pains.

· Infusion of vulneraria for external use, in trauma, wounds, eczema, ...

· Liniment of cantueso.

· Agrimony liquid for washing ulcers.

· AcĂ­bar lotion for external use as a cicatrizant.

· Maceration of St. Robert grass for skin conditions, ulcers, inflammations ...

· Greater squash ointment against hemorrhoids.

· Antirheumatic marjoram ointment.

· Arnica tincture for external use, such as wound healing and disinfectant.

· Ointment for external use as an antiseptic in sores, skin irritation, etc.

· Vinegar of wild rose cicatrizante and antiurticante.

· Veronica juice for rheumatic conditions

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