The ruta (Ruta) is a genus of strongly-scented evergreen sub-shrubs 2-6 meters high, from the Rutaceae family, native to the Mediterranean region, Macronesia and southwest Asia. Different authors accept between 8-40 species in the genus. The P. Most known is the common ruda graveolens Ruta. Although it is used "always" as a medicinal plant, it has a very strong toxicity, according to the uses and doses.
Leaves bipinnate or tripinnadas, with a leathery appearance, of green to strongly blue-green glaucous. Yellow flowers, with 4-5 petals, about 1 cm in diameter, and on tops. Fruit 4-5 lobed, capsule with numerous seeds.
It was widely used in European cuisine in ancient times, as well as in many recipes of Ancient Rome (according to Apicius), but because of its extreme bitterness, it is no longer palatable to contemporary taste. However, it is still used in certain parts of the world, particularly in North Africa.

Properties of rue
The properties of the rue are many, but they stand out mainly those related to digestive problems, colic and anxiety-
- Digestive properties
Because of this, ruda facilitates the digestive processes as it stimulates biliary function. That is why it is highly recommended to drink raw leaf infusions to treat cases of constipation or digestive disorders. It is recommended to drink these infusions after meals.
- Antispasmodic Medicinal Properties
It is for this reason that rue is very useful to treat cases of stomach cramps, in the same way serves to treat diarrhea. For these cases it is best to consume rude infusions.
-Properties of emenagogo
Because of this the rue serves to diminish the discomforts caused by the menstruation. The consumption of rue reduces headaches and irritability, typical of the menstrual period and premenstrual syndrome. It is also used in cases of amenorrhea.
-Sedative properties
Because it exerts a soothing and relaxing effect, the rue is used to decrease the sensation of pain in blows or wounds. In addition, infusions of this plant reduce anxiety and nervousness.
-Properties to regulate the circulatory system
The rue can have very positive effects to tone arteries and normalize the blood flow.
Popular remedies
Remedy with rue to normalize menstruation Boil 1 teaspoon of rue in 1 cup of water that is boiling. Cover and let cool. Take 1 vece a day for two days. This remedy is also considered abortifacient.
Remedy with rude for the states of stress
Take 10 drops of the infusion (before described) on a piece of sugar.
Remedy with rue against worms
Boil 10 grams of rue in 1/4 liter of eating oil. Take 2 times a day 1 teaspoon. Also they are made enemas of the cooking of the leaves in the dose of 10 grams per liter of water.
Remedy with ruda for dizziness and fainting
Rub a handful of rue leaves crushed with wine vinegar on the temples and nostrils.
Remedy with ruda for boils, sores or ulcers of the skin Boil in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes 30 grams of ruda. Remove from heat and let cool. Wet a clean cotton cloth or gauze with this infusion and apply to the affected area.
Remedy with ruda for lice:
Boil a handful of rue leaves in a liter of water for 10 minutes. Let cool, strain and apply on the scalp as if it were a normal rinse. Perform this remedy one week; Lice are considered to have disappeared.
Remedy with rue for phlebitis
Pour 2 tablespoons rue into a cup of boiling water. Leave on stand for 5 minutes and drink a cup 3 times a day
Remedy for rheumatism The popular rue oil, a very suitable remedy for rheumatism, is usually prepared with 60 grams of fresh rue, freshly caught, as it begins to bloom. It is crushed in a mortar and thrown into a bottle; Add a quarter liter of olive oil, cover well and leave the bottle to sun and serene for 40 days, inverted, so you do not lose the essence if the cap is wrongly adjusted. After this time, the oil is drained by a stalks, trying to leave in the bottle the residue of water that is usually left in the bottom and other possible grounds. With this oil frictions are made using a warm wool cloth, which is then left on top of the painful part and covered with another cloth, against rheumatic pain.

Avoid in case of pregnancy, since rue exerts a strong action on the uterine fibers and congests the genital organs.
Avoid high doses of rue as it is very toxic because it contains alkaloids. Always take great care.
Avoid handling when the plant is fresh, as it can cause contact dermatitis. Therefore, it is recommended to wear gloves to pick up the plant.
How to consume rue
The most used way to eat rue is to prepare it in a tea or infusion.
The rude tea is very simple to prepare.
Boil a liter of water with a handful of dry rue leaves.
Once it boils, leave the water with the leaves about two or three more minutes in the fire.
Remove from heat and let it sit at least 5 minutes before gluing.
Serve the tea alone or with sweetener, either hot, cold or warm.
If you take this tea to take advantage of its digestive properties, ideally you drink it right after the meal.
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